29 1/2 inches tall!!! (that keeps him in the 80th percentile)
19 pounds (about the 30th percentile)
His head is 17.72 inches (about the 40th percentile)
He caught a little cold over Christmas, but besides that, the doctors think he looks great! These are a few things Connor does and likes to do right now...
-After a few weeks of waking up every few hours, Connor is back waking up at 10:30 and then sleeping straight through until morning.
-Connor is taking 2 naps a day now, about an hour each.
-Connor loves music! Especially musicals! If you help him stand he'll even dance. It's absolutely adorable! He gave his Aunt quite the show while they were watching White Christmas together.
-Connor is now rolling all over. He tries really hard to crawl, but just hasn't quick figured out how to coordinate his arms and legs, but getting his back up off the floor is no longer a quandary.
-Connor LOVES to stand and he's getting pretty close to doing it all on his own. He can stand while holding onto something with my help now. He also loves to walk with my help all over the house.
-Connor ABSOLUTELY LOVES it when I play with him. Right now he likes to roll his little cars back and forth on the floor and roll after his balls.
-Connor decided 'Puffs" are actually pretty good. He likes baby yogurt and is in general a great little eater.
-Connor loves to bounce in his activity center still.
-Currently Connor is ABSOLUTELY attached to me. He has to go everywhere with me and won't let me leave the room without protest, in fact if I'm further than an arms length away he insists there's a problem. It's pretty endearing, but I'm sure he'll grow out of this phase.
-Connor is just wonderful whenever we go out, whether that's out to eat, a friends house, or just running errands. He still hasn't gotten upset in public yet. He just loves to people watch. And he's always got a smile ready for anyone that looks his way.
-He's just the sweetest little good natured baby there ever was. (If you can't tell Chris and I think we got the best baby out there!!!)
So happy and growing up way to fast!
Handsome kid!
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